
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nancy Leigh Demoss Devotional

September 30, 2009

Story of the Shoemaker

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Do you remember the first book you ever read? I can remember one of the first books I ever read. It was called The Shoemaker Who Gave India the Bible. It was a children's version of the story of William Carey, an English cobbler who helped begin the modern missionary movement in the face of tremendous obstacles. He then became a missionary to India and oversaw the translation of the Bible into forty languages. Reading his story as a child gave me a sense of passion to love the Lord with all my heart. It was through stories like this that I was drawn to give my life to God’s service.

As you’re choosing books for your children, you have a chance to instill in them what it means to serve God wholeheartedly. Don’t forget to look for books about missionaries and other people who lived for God’s glory. It might change their lives forever.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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