
Thursday, February 25, 2010

This was from today's Revive Our Hearts radio broadcast by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. (ROH 2/25/10) This part was very convicting to me and I just had to share it on my blog.

You want to ask yourself, “If my children, if those I’m mentoring, those I’m discipling, if they turn out like me how will they turn out? Not just if they do what I say but if they become like me.

If their prayer life is no more effective than mine, what kind of prayer life will they have?

If their faith is no greater than mine, what kind of faith will they have?

If their moral purity is no greater than mine, will they be morally pure?

If their response to circumstances, to adverse circumstances, is like mine, how will they respond to adverse circumstances?

If their response to authority is like the way I respond to my husband or our pastor or my boss, how will they respond to authority?”

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