It's Just Common Sense
Ruth Beechick, Curriculum Specialist and
Debbie Strayer, Homeschool Consultant
Some homeschoolers have great common sense when deciding what to do with their toddlers. Lea Ann Garfias, a homeschool graduate herself and now a homeschool mother, wrote an article with this wonderful title: "What to Teach Before You Begin Teaching." I read through the article and found none of the worry about a head start on academics. I like the items she suggests teaching "before you begin teaching."
1. Submit to parents. The first verse her children learn is "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right" (Ephesians 6:1). Later she adds, "Honor thy father and thy mother."
2. Honor God and the Bible. Child sits still during worship, sings during hymns, folds hands during prayer, and so forth.
3. Sees God's plan for the home. Daddy is the head; members love one another.
4. Follow directions. One-step commands at first, then two-step. Learn to obey.
5. Loving books. Enjoy read-aloud times.
6. Listening. Family devotions, reading aloud, and playing classical music help develop this skill.
7. Exploring alone. Don't always schedule the child's time. Let him be alone and develop his creativity for how to use the time.
8. Self-control. Proper table manners, speaking in a kind voice, sitting still in church or doctor's office or where needed.
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