A wonderful article from teachmagazine.com.
Whose biggest fan are you? Are you the biggest fan of the latest actor, athlete, or superstar? Whose biggest fan should you be? Let's be the biggest fan of our children. Be their loudest cheerleader. Believe in them, support them, and cheer for them.
Be your child's biggest fan. Know their dreams. Their likes and dislikes. Be willing to listen to their heart's desires. Help them to plan goals and steps to reach them. Give them the skills to get started, the courage to keep going.
Teach them to pray for God's will and guidance, to not step out blindly...but in God's timing. Pray that God will show you ways to help your children. Things that you can do or say to help them along the way.
Know your child's learning style. Know their limitations, weaknesses, and areas where they lack confidence. If one thing isn't working, try another way...come at if from a different angle. Teach them to try, try again. Let them know that you believe in them, that their dreams are important to you, and that you are here to help them.
Thomas Edison's teachers said that he was "addled". But his mom refused to believe it and taught him at home, letting him learn in the ways that best worked for him. He was a hands-on learner and so, that is how his mother let him learn. Turns out, Thomas Edison was a genius in the making. He once said, "My mother was the making of me." Be your child's biggest fan.
Abraham Lincoln's total formal schooling added up to about one year. But his mother instilled a desire for knowledge in him. He read everything that he could get his hands on and gathered a wealth of knowledge. He spent hours reading the family Bible and memorizing passages. One of his favorite books was The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington. Abraham Lincoln went on to be the 16th president of the United States of America. He once said, "All I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." Be your child's biggest fan.
John and Charles Wesley's childhood was wrought with poverty and heartache. But their mother determined to teach her children at home. She made sure they received a good education; but more importantly, she made sure they received instruction in God's Word. Her top priority was the salvation of her children. She had special "one-on-one" time with each individual child on a weekly basis.
During this special time, the child could speak of anything and Susanna would share her wisdom. She was determined that her children would have a strong bond with her and, more importantly, with God. This upbringing helped prepare John and Charles to go on and do great things for God. Charles Ludwig records: "Susanna was always conscious of God's presence when she prayed...her daily prayer was, 'Dear God, guide me. Help me do Thy will. Make my life count." Be your child's biggest fan.
George Washington was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen". And who do you think he gave the credit to? His mother. George Washington most definitely rose up and called his mother "blessed". Washington said, "My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." And again, I say, be your child's biggest fan.
Take the time to figure out your children's hopes and dreams. Discover their learning style. Pray about God's plans for their lives. And don't forget to be their biggest fan!
By Kimberly Lacey
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