
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

World Math Day--March 3

I had Micki participate in this last year with my help.  This year she'll be all set.  It is sponsored by Mathletics which also has an ongoing website that you can join for a fee.  We were so impressed with it that we did join.

Here's the facts about World Math Day from their website.

"Students play at home and at school against other students around the world in live games of mental arithmetic. Each game lasts for 60 seconds and students can play up to 500 games, earning points for each correct answer. The students who answer the most questions appear in the Hall of Fame. Students cannot select their level but will move up as they progress."

"We welcome school aged children and homeschoolers to register and participate. It’s a great way to improve numeracy and mental arithmetic skills and have fun in the process.

..and it's absolutely free of charge!"

1. Each student is limited to a maximum of 500 games (each game lasts 60 seconds) during the 48 hour period. This will include 100 games in each of the 5 levels. Students cannot select their level but will move up as they progress. Students can continue to play games if they exceed 500 games but no more points will be added to their personal score, however, all points will be counted in the Mathometer.

2. Prizes will be awarded to the top students in each age category, ages 5-8, ages 9-13 and ages 14-18. Any student found to be participating in an incorrect age category will be disqualified.

3. Individual points are awarded as follows: Each game lasts 60 seconds and 1 point per correct answer is awarded. Example: Score 25 correct answers in one game to receive 25 points.

The site to visit to participate is World Math Day 2010.  After you participate, they will send you emails about signing up for the regular Mathletics page.  

Here are some of the cool aspects of membership. In both the World Math Day and normal Mathletics page, you student gets to play other students from all over the world.  What a way to blend some geography with your math!  In addition to live or computer practice in the same format as World Math Day, there are many other math games and actually curriculum elements and test for each level.  There is a new task master  that allows you to set certain curriculum activities that need to be accomplished before they are allowed to play any of the other games.  It has videos on everything from addition to quadradic equations.  It even has workbooks that can be printed up!  We have found it worth the cost we paid.  I think it was at a special price at $60 for the year.

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