5/13/10 The Old Homeschool Magazine e-mail
Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor
If you've stepped foot into a homeschool convention, or if you've looked through catalogs, or even if you've opened all your homeschool emails, you've quickly learned that there are so many choices for curriculum that it can make your head spin. And, believe me, relying on which way your head spins is no way to choose curriculum. What we need is wisdom and discernment and that comes through prayer, through how our children learn, and through how we are apt to teach. The last ingredient is trust.
When I talk about prayer with my kids, I tell them that it is not just our air flowing across our vocal chords. God takes our prayers seriously. I also tell my kids that God's Word is not just black ink on white paper. His Word is powerful and alive and has everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Therefore, through prayer and seeking God through His Word, He promises to provide direction. Yes, even for curriculum.
How They Learn:
If you have a very auditory child, for example, giving him daily reading lessons can be frustrating. Instead of requiring too much self-reading from him, provide books on tape, or simply read to him yourself. If you have a hands-on child (kinesthetic), having him read textbooks may be part of your curriculum, but in order to cement the facts, you will need to have hands-on projects. Let him come up with a working model of what the textbook is covering.
How We Are Apt To Teach:
If you don't have time to read the instructions every day before lessons, try to find something else that is less teacher-intensive and more student directed. If you are the type to grade every paper and record every learning experience, then find curriculum that takes advantage of that strength. If you are more creative and less textbook oriented, then find resources that compliment your strengths or you won't end up using them. If you are bored with a resource, it's very likely your child is as well. A curriculum can sound like the best thing ever, but if you know you won't follow through with using it, look for something else that fits your teaching style better.
The Lord's Faithfulness to Provide:
Sometimes the hardest part is trusting the Lord to provide for all your curriculum needs. Isn't that silly? Yet, we all fall into that temptation as we are earthly creatures. Can the God of the universe who spoke everything into existence, bring the resources you need to obey Him? I think so. Actually, I know so. Do you think He sees your circumstance? You can know Him as "El Roi" the God Who Sees. Another of His names is "Jehovah Jireh" the God Who Provides. Believe it or not, the God who sees, is faithful to provide. Here's a "curriculum choices" math problem for you!
Many resources plus one teacher who prays, to the One God who provides, equals the right choice.
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