The HSLDA has started a serious about how children speak. I'm posting two days worth here becuase in them they explain the acrostic BLESS.
Something to Say
Have you ever used that line from Bambi, “If you can”t say something nice, don”t say nothing at all“? But good speech goes beyond what you don’t say—to what you do say! Hear more, today on Home School Heartbeat, with HSLDA President Mike Smith.
Mike Smith: Rachael Carman joins us again today with help for teaching your children to bless others. Rachael, would you tell us about the characteristic of speech that blesses others?
Rachael Carman:
I would love to, Mike. And you know, I just want to say at the outset that we don’t have this completely figured out yet at the Carman house! This is something we’re continuing to work on every day, sometimes moment to moment, but it is our objective to teach our children to bless each other.
And we used the word bless as an acrostic to mean several things. And we’re just going to go over the first two today. The first is in Ephesians 4:29: it talks about, “let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth but only that which is beneficial to those who listen.” The first thing we encourage our kids to say to each other are words that benefit, not just the person they’re being spoken to, but to everyone who’s standing around and listening. And that can be a real challenge, but I believe that that’s the bar that Christ has set.
The second thing we want to do in the word bless is we want to make sure that we’re speaking words of love to one another. We live in a world that’s very critical and if there’s something that we can communicate to each other consistently, it’s how much they’re loved.
Rachael, that’s a great way to remember how to bless others! We’ll talk about the other points on our next program. And until then, I’m Mike Smith.
Speach that Blesses
Do you want your child’s speech to bless others? Teach him some practical characteristics of speech that blesses! What are they? Rachael Carman offers several, today on Home School Heartbeat with HSLDA President Mike Smith.
Mike Smith:
Rachael Carman joins me again today. Rachael, last time you explained how speech that blesses others should be beneficial and loving. Tell us about the rest of the acronym bless!
Rachael Carman:
Oh, sure, Mike! The other three letters, starting with E. E stands for words that are encouraging. I don't know about you, but there are so many days when just a little word of encouragement goes a really long way for me. “Cause I can feel defeated, or like I can’t get it all done, and just to have someone to say something encouraging—and if we can get our siblings, our children, to start speaking to each other in that way—what a blessing!
The first S is selfless words. Those would be words that are not centered on what my personal needs are, but what are your needs? Things that I can say to you that are selfless for me, but that will bless you in a very significant way. And then the second S would be words of service. Things like, “What can I do to serve you today?” or, “Why don’t you have that today?” Things that we can say to each other to elevate the other person are sure to be words of blessing.
Rachael, these are really great, practical insights, and thank you for sharing them with our listeners today! Until next time, I’m Mike Smith.
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