Mary is an awesome friend who is homeschooling for the second year. She posts all kinds of cool pictures of the things they do. This eyeball one really caught my attention. I asked her to share because if I blog it, I always know the information when I want to do it!
"This is our second year of home schooling. For science classes, we are using Apologia which is challenging and Christ centered. Our 9th grader is learning Biology. For lab, she needed a proper microscope, prepared slides, dissection kit, and specimens. These can be ordered directly from Apologia. However, we discovered an excellent resource in Home Science Tools ! This company markets to home schoolers and provides all necessary equipment and supplies. They make it simple by providing a list according to most commonly used science curriculum! Their product line is comprehensive, top quality, and priced right. Fresh specimens are usually best, but not always nor practical.
For fun, we let our 4th grader chose some specimens of his own (not part of his Apologia curriculum which includes labs and journal). He chose a cow eye for his first "stab" at dissection. Rather than purchase dissection manuals, we first bookmarked very good ones online, and for free, for each creature on our wish list. This one for the cow eye was great! It not only has printable steps, there are video clips to watch prior or during the lab. This and much more can be found at (though not Christian) or just google for reputable sites. Much can be found on but I made sure to prescreen the material. My enthusiastic son needed to be reminded of safety, sanitation, and respect. Our daughter is less impressed and thinks she'll "stick" only with her required assignments!"
I really appreciate Mary for sharing. I also appreciate the dilligence and effort she puts towards everything she does including educating her children. It's a real encouragement!
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