Another great Home School Heartbeat from HSLDA.
Jochabed: Protecting the Lives of Your Children
Volume 101, Program 28
Have you been accused of being an overprotective mother? Chairman Michael Farris talks about the spiritual power of a mother’s protection today on Home School Heartbeat.
Michael Farris:
Mothers through the ages have looked at their babies and imagined a bright future. Anything is possible for their child. But moms know instinctively that their babies will need protective care in order to reach that great potential hidden beneath their helpless little exterior.
All Christian moms are accused at times of being too protective of their children. This charge is leveled at homeschooling moms fairly frequently. Moms, don’t let the hecklers get you down. Your protective instinct comes from God.
One biblical mother changed the future for the whole nation of Israel by protecting her son. That mother was Jochebed, the mother of Moses. She saw that her son was a fine child, and she made haste to protect him from Pharaoh’s decree of death for all Israelite babies.
Today our culture lays death at the door of our children by offering them sexual immorality, godlessness, and perversity on a Hollywood-style platter. Mothers are right to protect their children from such fare. Repeated exposure to ungodliness in living color can desensitize our children to sin, confusing them about God’s view on these issues.
We all face an extremely degraded culture. Protecting our children from the extremes, which the world all too readily accepts, is a necessary reality for every mother who envisions a bright future for her own precious child.
I’m Mike Farris.
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