
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Welcome Home, Daddy

Celtic knotwork.  I love Celtic knotwork.

So, when I got Welcome Home, Daddy for my Gabby Moms review, I was excited!  There was knotwork on the cover AND the book was written by Lorrie Flem of Eternal Encouragement.  It had to be good. 

Oh, and it was a real book!  Sure, downloadable things are convenient and inexpensive, but having a book in your hands, that's just joy.

This is how I looked most of the weekend!

The book is full of suggestions on how to make the best use the dinner and evening hours.  As usual, Lorrie lays the groundwork for all this by showing the importance of our role as wife and mother.

Now, I'm all aboard promoting the sacred calling of wife and mother.


I have a confession...

We eat in the living room in front of the TV! 
kids watching TV
There.  I said it.

Mea Culpa! 

I could explain that there are times with my health and energy, I'm just thankful to get some food made for my family.  OR  I could mention that both my husband and I grew up eating that way.

There is, however, a better way, and Lorrie writes in a way that encourages me to step up instead of condemning me.  That's the way Lorrie is.

So, if you would like some encouragement in this area as well, just get the details to purchase the book CLICK HERE.

Oh, and one more thing!

Would you like to be a Gabby Mom with me? Just go HERE to put in an application for 2012.

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.


  1. I figured if I admitted it publically, it might bring about a change faster!

  2. Good for you for being honest! LOL. We have TV dinner night on most Sundays. Its a nice change of pace for us, and the kids love it. But, I also really enjoy sitting at the table together and sharing about our day.

  3. When my older 2 were little we always ate in the living room - or in their bedrooms! LOL But now we try to always eat supper at the dinner table.....sometimes lunch is still in the living room :) Great review!

  4. Thanks for coming ladies! And thanks for the encouragement!

  5. I love your reviews, Betsy! You are so creative and funny. ;)

  6. You brave soul! Well, I'm sure Lorie thoroughly encouraged you to try something different! She did me.

    Mrs. Q

  7. We eat in the living room too. Our kitchen is not big enough for a table to fit 7. Our living room isn't big enough either, but we have a small table for the kids. I would love to have a dining room with a nice long table that fit everyone. For now, it is what it is.


  8. 2 Jenny--Thanks! Did you get a chocolate fix tonight?

    2 Mrs. Q--Thanks! That's Lorrie for you...encourage not condemn!

    2 Honey--I'm so glad you stopped by! I wish I had the reason of my kitchen not being big enough! We may not have chairs that match, but we can fit the 3 of us around the table! ;-)

  9. Ah, a real book to curl up with - sounds good!
