
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homeschool Blog Awards Voting is coming to an end.

Just a reminder that I was nominated for Funniest Homeschool Blog and Best Homeschool Variety Blog.  Truth is, it is an honor just to be nominated!  Also, the likelihood of my little blog winning is, well, unlikely considering the quality of all the other blogs and the quantity of their following!
If you'd like to vote for me, now is the time to do it.  Voting comes to an end on Friday, Nov. 18th at midnight Pacific time.
If you have the time, check out all the other great blogs.  It's amazing!!  If you ever feel like you're in it all alone, this is proof that you're not!
  • You do not have to be a homeschooler to vote.
  • You may only vote ONCE (in ALL categories) per person in your home.
  • If you click on the DOT, it will vote. If you click on the BLOG NAME, you can go to the site.
Just CLICK HERE or the button at the top.

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