
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving on Pinterest

Do you all do Pinterest Logo?  If you do, you know how addicting it can be.  If you don't, I warn you that it can be addicting!  You have to be invited, so let me know if you want an invite.

The biggest challenge for me, with Pinterest Logo is actually doing some of the things!  I mean, I've over 300 pins right now.  Some are just like this...
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While you might find that very handy to keep in mind at the Thanksgiving dinner table, most involve projects and such.


In order to get my tardy self ready for this week's celebration, I thought I'd post about some of the cool things I have found, which I may use this week for fun school stuff or dinner stuff. 

I'm going to link them back to the actual source instead of my Pinterest board just for your convenience.  You also might bookmark the original sources for ongoing ideas.  Some of these people are just sooooo creative!

First, here are some great lesson plans.

Thanksgiving Lession Plan for homeschool.
The idea for the cute pumpkins would be enough but trust me she has a lot more.

We actually did this one and I thought it would be cute to use different colors and shape some like feathers and make a turkey potato print!

Painted Potato Pumpkins
You could make these for placemats!

How about another crafty pumpkin idea?  This one takes two days so plan accordingly.

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Now, some acorns for the nuts in my family tree.

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This game could be great for school time OR for killing time waiting for dinner to be ready or for it to digest!

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How about some paper crafts?

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No website for this one.
Wouldn't it look really cute
with googley eyes?

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Last but not least, playing with food.  Some edible, some not!

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Definitely not edible!

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And these are a little more dinner specific, but would be great to include the kids in the making there of!  ;-)

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I noticed that I had a lot of TURKEYS.  I'm hoping it's not a Freudian slip!

Well, I've come this far, so I might as well go full fowl!        
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I so would have had mija wear this for her first Thanksgivng seven years ago! 


  1. Great inspirations here, thanks!... and I'd love a Pinterest invite if you have one available.

  2. I this this is an awesome site! I would love an invite, if you would -

    thanks so much!

  3. Thanks for dropping in. Sent invites out for both of you.
