
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Uh-Oh. Have you said the "C" word? Christmas!!

Found this on FB, of course!
AFA and OneMillionMoms has prepared its annual "Naughty or Nice" retailer list.  It lists which of the top 100 retailers aren't afraid to use the word Christmas in on-line or in the store.

BTW, on an ealier post about Walgreens ceasing it's trial rewards program, I mentioned AFA was boycotting Walgreens because it was using only the word "holiday." 

AFA did send an update out stating, "Walgreens community affairs director John Gremer issued a statement to AFA, which says, in part:
'During the months of October and November, we make greater use of the word 'holiday' to include celebrations such as Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. But as Christmas Day draws closer, you’ll see more references to the word 'Christmas.' That includes the message, 'Merry Christmas,' which will be on the front of our newspaper sales insert on Dec. 25. So, Merry Christmas to Walgreens and all the others on the "nice" list!
'We fully agree with you that – while we're helping customers celebrate a variety of holidays during this time of year – we should continue and increase the use of the word 'Christmas' when referring to items specifically for the Christmas holiday.'"

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