
Friday, January 20, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

This week’s statements:
1. I used to enjoy ______ but now I don’t really anymore except for when I____
2. My first job was ______
3. I am a bit obsessed with ________ at the moment
4. If I don’t have my ___________ at night, I don’t sleep well

1. I used to enjoy playing in the SCA but now I don’t really anymore except for when I daydream!  It's been a loooong time since I wore a chest dress and was called Scholastica.
2. My first job was making cold calls for air conditioner sales.  Yeah, that lasted all of 2 weeks at the most.
3. I am a bit obsessed with re-reading the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series at the moment.  Definitely not written for spiritual exhortation, but awesome historical fiction.  I suppose it relates to my answer to #1.
4. If I don’t have my 2-3 pillows at night, I don’t sleep well.

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