
Monday, January 30, 2012

Free Harvard and MIT classes

Did you know that there are free, online video classes offered by Harvard and MIT?  Yes, I mean the Harvard and the MIT.  I haven't taken any of them, yet, but I think they'd be great just for parent personal enrichment or possibly to use for your high school student.

To attend Harvard, CLICK HERE.
It looks like they are offering:

  • The Heroic and Anti-Heroic in Classical Greek Civilization
  • Bits
  • Intensive Introduction to Computer Science
  • Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays
  • China: Transitions and Transformations
  • World War and Society in the Twentieth Century: World War II
  • Sets, Counting, and Probability
  • Abstract Algebra
If you want to attend MIT, CLICK HERE.
They actually offer a lot more classes, but here are the departments with there links:
Some of the MIT classes even offer lecture notes, assignments, exams, and more.

So, what classes are you going to take?

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