
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's on my reading list?

God apparently has a lot for me to learn because He's placed a lot of things on my reading list.  I thought I'd share what I'm reading.  Maybe it will give you some ideas!

Remember "Those who lead read!"

First, I'm attempting to finish this book.  I say attempting because I can only deal with it small chunks at a time before it gets too convicting!

Love to Eat Hate to Eat
Elyse Fitzpatrick

The book group I attend is reading this book.  It's easy to read but hard to hear!  Convicting again.  (And I either want to call the author Jackie Chan or Francis Schaeffer!)

Crazy Love
Francis Chan

Our adult Sunday school is splitting into men and women to study Biblical manhood and womanhood.  This is the book the ladies will be going through.

The Excellent Wife
Martha Pearce

I'm reading this book for a long overdue book review, so be looking for the review here on my blog!

The Pregnancy Companion
Jessica Wolstenholm and Dr. Heather Rupe

My next book review will be this book for Multnomah Books.

Secure Daughters Confident Sons
Glenn T. Stanton

Now, mija wanted in on the action and asked me to share what books she's currently reading!

She's been reading:

For American Girl Club this month the selection is:

Lastly, we just beginning to try Total Language Plus for all of our language arts.  Our first selection is:

Have you read any of these?  What were your thoughts?  Any suggestions?

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  1. I've read Crazy Love, Excellent Wife, and Charlotte's Web. All great reads. The others you have listed look worth checking into as well!

    Here from the HHH!

  2. Looks like a good list! I have several on my list right now too!
