1. What is something you are loving right now?
Well, I'm loving my God, my husband, and my daughter. Feeling a little down about everything else right now!
2. Paris, Venice, New York, and Rome are considered four of the most romantic cities in the world. Which one would you most like to visit?
My husband and I were just watching Letters to Juliet, and I thought about how much I would love to visit Venice. Imagine taking a gondola ride through the canals. Visiting the doge's palace. Oooo, the Basilica of St. Mark and Venetian glass. So much pretty things! So much history!!
3. Are you a romantic?
I would like to think so. However, I don't want to be merely "in love with love" but purposeful encouragement of my relationship with my husband. I think there's a difference.
4. What's your favorite love story made for the Big Screen?
I LOVE The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara although I never saw it on the big screen.
5. Everyone loves Pooh bear and friends...which character are you most like and why? Click here for help in answering this question.
I took the quiz and that's what I got, but I definitely see some Eeyore, Tigger, Mama Roo, and Owl in me, too!
6. What's the best chocolate something you've ever eaten?
I don't like chocolate flavored things, but I do like real chocolate things like candy and such.
7. Share a favorite quote about love.
We're all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. --Dr. Seuss
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I think it's crazy that Missouri has spent mucho money on the primary today when it doesn't even count. Delegates will be determined by upcoming caucuses. We'll see if Santorum can win then.
Love your Dr. Seuss quote! Have a great evening!