I make a lot of things for our personal use. For some reason, it just now clicked with me that I can share them with you! I know I always appreciate free printables, and I hope that the ones I share can be useful to you.
My first printable is Fact Family Circles for math. It's a graphic organizer which can be used for either addition/subtraction or multiplication/division. Let me show you how it works:
I know. Simple right? What I usually do is print one equation in the first quadrant and allow her to take it from there. So, if I put 3+4=, she would answer it and then write in the other quadrants, 4+3=7, 7-4=3, and 7-3=4. In the picture above, she wrote all the facts for 10x5 herself. The link is available above under printables and, of course, HERE.
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