
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 Weeks 5 Disciplines 5 Challenges--MyFitnessPals Unite!!

Courtney at Women Living Well is starting a new series: 5 Weeks 5 Disciplines   5 Challenges. The five disciplines are going to be mind, body, spirit, work and time. She is starting with body.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was working on losing weight. I had actually lost 9 lbs at the writing of the post but then gained some during the week of my step-father's death and funeral. I haven't weighed or logged into MyFitnessPal since then.
During the past few weeks I have returned to my limitless, uncontrolled eating, so I'm dreading what I'm going to see when I step on the scales this morning. I need to return to working on it at least.
So my healthy habit that I would like to work on over the next 5 weeks is to sign in daily to MyFitnessPal and record my food. I'm not going to give a specific weight to lose, I just want to be disciplined in eating. If I do that, the rest will come.
Would you like to take part in the series? If so, why don't you leave a comment below about what healthy body habit will you work on in the next 5 weeks?  Also, I'm always more than willing to have more friends at MyFitnessPal! Join up and be my friend. Make sure I stay true to this challenge. Everyday for the next 5 weeks. That would be through Tuesday, May 15. I'm mrspriceisright on the site.

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