Yup. Attempting to live I Tim. 6:8, "But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content" because that's about all we have.
If you read my blog's FB page a week ago, you read "We just received notice from our landlord. We have to vacate within two weeks. We're two weeks behind on June's rent and since there is no hope for receiving it or future rent, he decided he just wants us out by July. One of Mike's brothers in Leavenworth has said we can move into their basement even though it's displacing 3 of their sons bedrooms. Needless to say everything is totally chaotic right now. Could definitely use prayer."
Here we are a week later. God's actually blessed us by allowing us to move into a friend's house which is empty. It's for sale, so we can live there until it sells. I must admit that it's hard to resist the temptation to pray for it not to sell, but I wouldn't want to do that to our friends!
It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a dishwasher! Much bigger than what we have now. And we still have my brother-in-law's basement as a backup if the house does sell.
All this is why I haven't been regular in my posting here or on FB. We've gotta' lot on our plates.
With having to leave our home to foreclosure 2 years ago, living in this mobile home for almost 2 years, and moving into a home that could sell out from under us, I'm am working on being content with food and clothing.
There's a few other things I've been learning during the time as well.
- God is sovereign. Therefore, it is God that wants us out of this house by next week not our landlord.
- It is amazing how God uses His body to minister to it's wounded members. Our church family has been so helpful and supportive.
- How I accept a trial like this demonstrates to mija how big my God actually is to me.
- Past hurts can quicken with the experience of new ones. I definitely need to surrender both hurts under the sovereignty of God since the past and the present are under His control. Like most hurtful incidences in our lives, holding it close and nurturing the pain is only causing me more distress AND sapping energy that I need for more important things.
- Having faith in God's provision has become scary. He has consistently provided but hasn't permanently provided. We've yet to go hungry and obviously will not be homeless at this time. Yet, so often His provision has felt like applying band-aids to a broken leg. I'm thankful for them, but long for the leg to be set, casted, and the bone to be knitted back together. I want to be thankful for what God has provided, but long for more.
Well, enough for now. Must back more. Please continue to pray for us. Especially my hubby as he continues to look for work while working to move us!
Great reminders when Satan attacks and you start to doubt it all.