
Thursday, September 6, 2012

My favorite FREE Science Teleclass--Wed. Sept. 12

Remember!  All Superchargeed Science classes are taught by a real rocket scientist! We always enjoy them and know you will, too!

Free Live Video Tele-class:


Relax While Your Kids Have Fun Learning Science and I Do All the Teaching For You!

Rocketry & Space Flight
Online Video Tele-class

Blast your imagination with this super-popular class on rocketry! Kids learn about fin design, hybrid and solid-state rocketry, and how rockets make it into space without falling out of orbit. This class is taught by a real live rocket scientist (Me!). We'll launch rockets during the class, too.
The next live video tele-class is coming up! I'll teach your kids real science through totally fun hands-on activities. My goal is for them to gain an appreciation for the wonder of the world around them through science.
The free tele-class on the science of Rocketry and Space Flight is on...
Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 12:00PM Noon Pacific Time

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER...All it takes is an email address!

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