
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Smart Phone Apps for Education

We were recently with Smartphones. I'm trying to be smart about my Smartphone. While I enjoy a game of Angry Birds like most, I didn't want my phone to be merely entertainment. I want it to be a tool including being a tool in educating my daughter. And you know my penchant for FREE. 

Here are a few of the apps I have found already and  I would LOVE to find out about what apps you use.

Kindle--You don't have to have a Kindle to download the app for free to your phone or computer. I have access to all the books I have on my regular Kindle.

Google Sky Map--My family really enjoys astronomy and this app is really cool. You hold your phone up to the sky and it displays constellations, planets, etc.

iFlash Free--The link is for "i" products, but it's also available for other products like my Android. You can make flash cards for any subject you want! Currently, we work on our Latin words using this app.

Math Practice Flash Cards--This is really handy. You can practice addition, subtraction, multiply, division and is totally customizable. It reviews missed cards and answers can be multiple choice.

Word Search--Always a fun way to learn new words and vocabulary. I think this one is pretty because each word is colored a different color.

Well those are the ones I've started with. What have you found/used that you like?

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