Last night, I attended church as Katherine Von Bora, Mrs. Martin Luther.
Only two weeks ago, I was asked to be Katherine Von Bora for AWANA as they celebrate Reformation Day. I did a monologue for the Sparks, T&T, and T&J. Thankfully, I found a monologue online that was free for anyone to use however they chose to, so I edited it for my purpose. I wrote it in "German accent" so I would be able to add some depth to my character.
I thought I would share my monologue with you. A couple of things you might want to know. It was "What I want to be when I grow up" night at AWANA. That is what I am referring to in the monologue. Also, keep in mind I didn't perform this as a stagnant piece. I acted it out and asked questions throughout. (Like how many bedrooms their house has before I mentioned my 40 room monastery.)
Hope you enjoy "ant can reat zee German ahcksent!"
Click here for the monologue.
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