
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

String Leaves--Fall decorations

First of all, I want to say I know I got this idea on Pinterest, but I can't find my pin for the life of me! I just want to make sure you know that this idea isn't original to me. I don't want false credit!

Second, when I saw it, it was originally done with fall-colored yarns which was very pretty and probably more sturdy than mine. All I had was an orange colored ball of crochet thread. I still think they look cool.

I wanted to make sure it worked, so there's a lot of dried glue left on the leaves!
If you remember awhile back, we tried to make the planets with glue and embroidery thread...epic fail. I'd link it for you, but all the photos are gone...epic fail.  

We learned our lesson, however, and I didn't water the glue down as much and we used longer pieces of thread.

You'll need glue, leaf printout, waked paper and yarn/thread.

You place waxed paper over your leave printout. I got my leave printout HERE.
Thoroughly soak your thread/yarn in the slightly watered down glue and then place on the waxed paper in the leave shapes anyway you want.
Now, I will admit that because of the failure we had previously with the planets, I made sure there was plenty of glue. That became a failure somewhat just because of dried glue left between the strands of the thread after they dried.
We waited until the next day and gently peeled them off the waxed paper.
Don't you love my yellow nail polish?
The stayed together just fine. I was classy and used scotch tape to put them on our door.
I think the leaves look pretty cool. You could use this method to make many different items. I'm thinking of trying a turkey! Keep your eyes open!

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