
Friday, November 16, 2012

Ten Turkeys in Ten Days--Day 5 doing turkeys 3 & 4

Yup, I'm behind, but not for lack of trying.  I became ill and didn't do ANYTHING from Tuesday evening until this morning. It wasn't until this afternoon that I actually had a sense of purpose!

So, today we actually made two turkeys. One which mija could make easily by herself and one that wasn't too hard once I could focus more.

The first was just a color, cut, and glue sheet, but she enjoyed the "independent" aspect.

You can find the Pinterest link HERE.

The second turkey we made today was a turkey wreath. Here's a link to the Pinterest Pin which gave me the idea.

We made ours a little different. We used 1 x 3 inch strips for our loops instead of the 1 x 6 inch loops recommended. We also used googly eyes.
We hung mine on the newly-dubbed turkey wall.

We hung mija's on the front door with the string leaves we made last week
Now, on to turkey anatomy.
For a loooong time, I have been calling the red, floppy piece that hangs down from above the turkey's beak the wattle. BUT THAT IS WRONG.
The piece that hangs down over the nose is called the snood. The wattle hangs under it's neck.

See, one of the joys of home education is the ongoing education of the parents! 

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