
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

White Christmas Crunch Squares---YUMMY!!

I made these last year, and while they were still yummy, I didn't do the best job on them.

This year, however, I learned from my mistakes and viola! we have yummy treats to share.

This recipe is not original to me. I got it from Kraft Recipes.

Set the oven to 350 degrees and put foil on your 15x10x1 baking sheet. My sheets were a little bigger, so I just had some empty space around the edges. No biggy. 

First, you need to cracked up 1/4 cup candy canes. You could also make it without the candy canes if you wish. The candy canes just make it a little more festive.
Coarsely chop 1 package of Baker's white chocolate. I made sure to show you the box. Do NOT use just white baking chips or almond bark. That was one of my mistakes last year.
Oh, yes. That is actually two boxes worth of the white chocolate because we were making a double batch although the amounts I'm giving you is for a single batch. It's great math practice to double or triple recipes!
You put 32 crackers on the foiled pan. Again, great math practice realizing that would be 8 rows of 4 crackers.
Now, the "Mommy-has-to-do-this" part.
Cook 1/2 cup butter (1 stick) and 3/4 cup brown sugar on the stove for about 3-4 minutes. Stir occasionally while you melt and mix everything well. Then let it boil for 3 minutes. No more. No less. (That's another place where we went wrong last year.)
Pour it over the crackers and spread it around. Yes, make sure to cover all the crackers or you'll have dry spots. Be careful! Hot sugar burns big time. And you've just put boiling sugar over the crackers, so the pan will actually be warm/hot when you go to put the pans in the oven.
Bake for about 5 min until golden brown. Take out of the oven and spread the white chocolate all over the crackers. Then put back in for about 1-2 minutes until the chocolate is melted. Don't expect the chocolate to be melted all over the place. The chocolate will be melted, but you will have to spread it around with a spatula or spoon.
After spreading the chocolate, sprinkle the crushed candy cane over the top. Then you cool completely. We actually put ours in the fridge to help the process along.
Then you break them up. Ideally, you break them into the little square cracker shapes. Sometimes it cracks otherwise. I'm okay with that. Not everyone wants a big old square of candy. Especially considering how sweet these things are! 
Here's a plate of the finished product.

Well worth the sugar coma!

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