Blame shifting.
Literally, the oldest excuse used for not taking responsibility for our actions.
Remember in Genesis 3?
"Lord, it was the woman you gave me?"
Wow, that shifted the blame twice! The woman and God who gave him the woman.
Eve just blamed the serpent.
Blame shifting has been the homework of the past week. First, in Sunday School we were given the assignment not to partake is certain kinds of speech among which was blame shifting. Then in my biblical counseling class, we had a case study to do in which the couple did major blame shifting.
But nothing beat my in home demonstration of blame shifting.
On Thursday morning, we lost our home phone, internet, and cable due to not being able to pay. Mija was still asleep when I left for a Bible study, so she didn't know.
I came home to find a sign "We hate the cable company" and her marching around the house chanting the same.
Regardless of how many times my hubby and I explained to her that it was not the cable company's fault, she wouldn't accept it. We explained that because of daddy's unemployment, we just were not able to pay for everything (or was that blame shifting, too?).
It is innate, I tell you. Mija just come up with blaming the cable company on her own.
Lord, it's the cable company you gave me.
Galatians 6:3-5
For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load.
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