
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Getting Out of Bed In the Morning

I've mentioned the challenging journey we've been living through. It can really get you down even when  you are trying to walk through it by faith. Any encouragement during the hard times is appreciated.
Alice Wisler has authored five novels including a couple of Christy Award finalists. She lost her four-year-old son to cancer in 1997. As a result of her grief and healing, she has recently written a devotional for others who are also going through various forms of loss.

Her book entitled Getting Out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache is the resulting devotional. There are 40 days worth of devotions broken down into five sections. Each day starts with a verse followed by the devotional, a reflection, prayer and an activity to do. She entitled this last part "While You Walk" because she encourages you to get out and walk.

Before I continue, I need get on my usual soapbox about devotionals. Because mature believers need the "meat" of the Word, I liken devotionals to vitamins; you get some nutrients but no where near what you need to thrive. A solid diet of just devotionals tends to leave one weak.

Now, down from my soapbox and on specifically to Getting Out of Bed in the Morning: Reflections of Comfort in Heartache.

This devotional is par for the course. It does not give you much depth, but that was not the purpose of this book. The purpose of this devotional is encouragement through the rough patches in life. In that case, it could accomplish its goal. 

I had a hard time following the book. Maybe because I was expecting more cohesiveness in each section. The individual devotions were well written. You could tell the author wrote from experience, and she wrote generally enough about loss that it can minister to those dealing with a loss of a person, a loss of a job, a loss of a health, etc. 

In addition to the book, there is a blog that accompanies the book and Alice Wisler's own personal blog. It is kind of cool that she does not leave her ministry to just the book alone.

I would recommend this book to those dealing with a loss. I know personally that during those times of sorrow and grief, God can seem far off. The nice thing about this devotional is that it can be that link that keeps one connected to God and His grace, as well as, ministering to their hurt during that time.

In fact, this would make a nice gift. When you know someone dealing with a loss, and you just do not know what to do to help. Give them a copy of this book to express your concern.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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