
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Making Valentine's Cards

Mija will be going to our church's homeschool group next Tuesday, and of course, Valentine's will be exchanged. She's never actually participated in a Valentine exchange before, so I'm sure it will be fun for her.

Not as fun for me, however, since money is scarce. Looking at some Valentines on Pinterest to possibly make. Here are some of my choices.

For the one above, I'd make a template, cut them out and decorate them since I don't have stamps.

I'd have to buy pencils.

It would be a lot of cutting to make enough for the whole group, but really cute.

Cute and usable past Valentine Day.

I'd probably make them smaller to be Valentine cards.

I think this would be cute with "I'm so glad we both home 'school'."  Lot's of parts to purchase, however.

I'd have to learn how to help her make a friendship bracelet and then there is printer ink to consider.

This is cute especially since we did some sign language before.

Are you making any cute, homemade Valentines? If so, share your ideas. PLEASE!!  I could use some help.

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