
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Family Integrated Church—Training Children to Sit Still

She was 4 years old here.
When mija was about 3 years old, the Lord brought us to a family integrated church. We hadn't purposely sought one out. We just found a great preaching church and stayed there. We knew the kids stayed in service, but we thought it was more because of space limitations than a purposeful philosophy.

Well, then mija turned 4 years old and that is the point of no return. No more nursery. You are in the service now. For those who had been around, many had started training their children early sometimes not even using the nursery.

We on the other hand, were not prepared and boy was it work!!

Training Children to Sit StillI wish I had found Lorrie Flem’s e-book Training Children toSit Still back then. It assures me that yes, it is work, but would have given more ideas on how to make it work!

What was also a blessing to me was her story about why they started having their children in service. It wasn't for a religious reason either, but now, she can see a Biblical reason for doing so.

She starts with babies, moves into talking about toddlers, and then mentions a few ideas for keeping older children on task. I think she's right on because I see a lot of the moms in our church applying similar principles.

So, if you would like some help with the hows and learn so whys of Training Children to Sit Still I recommend checking out Lorrie Flem's e-book.

I was given a free copy of the e-book in exchange for my honest review.

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