
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I've been busy! Homeschool Subbing!

I've been hit and miss the past few weeks because I've been busy.

Some friends' baby came a month early and ended up needing intestinal surgery (she's doing much better but is still in the hospital recovering).

Needless to say, momma needs to be with the baby, so I watched the four other ones for a few days and finished home schooling the two older ones for the rest of the school year.
Two Blackfoot and one Crow
Signing "Girl loves friend"
It was a blessing to be able to help this way and gave all the homeschool girls a chance to see how the other half does it.

  • First grade vs. Third grade
  • Several vs. One
  • Set curriculum vs. Eclectic/Classical
  • Traditional vs. Flexible
It all worked out fine. I dusted off some of my multi-grade teaching skills from when I was in the classroom and adapted them for our situation.

We had a really "hard" day the last day together. We reviewed poem the two younger ones had learned throughout the year. This was also a review for mija who had learned the same poems about 3 1/2 years ago.

Then we finished reading The Borrowers. It took about an hour, but it was worth it. It has provided a lot of discussion during our times together.

I must have done something right during my subbing because I was awarded with the ultimate teacher appreciation gift...

125 Titus 2 Tuesday Button Hip Homeschool Hop Button 

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