
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

VBS last week

Mija attended a VBS last week. We are very picky about letting her attend a VBS. We have to know the church, it's beliefs, and if it actually practices what it believes. 
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This VBS was a new experience because it was at an inner-city church. Intrepid mija knew no difference. It was a church. It was VBS. That was all that mattered.

Her class sang the plagues of Egypt to the tune of
The Twelve Days of Christmas. 
Well, I'll take that back. She wanted to make sure the church "believed right" before we went. 

It is such a blessing to see her evaluate a group or church based on their doctrinal stance rather than location or skin color!

We had a great time. I said we because they actually offered an adult class during VBS. I've never seen that before but it was very well attended.

Oh, over a thousand dollars was raised for a missionary and about a dozen souls saved during the week!


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