
Monday, July 8, 2013

Can't believe we're past July 4th!

I don't know about you, but I'm sitting here realizing that the summer is slipping away.

July the 4th is over!

Selected ProductsWe started the holiday focusing on what it was about by attending a class. It was a live Happy Birthday, America! class by Founder's Academy. Mrs. Schott of Founder's Academy always does an awesome job. It was fun to be able to talk about July 2nd (yes, 2nd) and how fireworks work. 

We were unable to watch fireworks this holiday because my hubby had to go to work, but we were still able to make it to two family gatherings and have great fun and fellowship.

Wednesday night we went to "Miss Donna's" house. Donna is my BIL's MIL. Regardless of relational status, everyone is family to Donna and Larry.

They go all out every July 3rd with burgers, hot dogs, fire pit, smores, bouncy house, live band and more. Everything just brings a side dish or dessert to share and the rest is provided.

There was an awesome bouncy house this year with one side open. I would post a picture but I made sure pictures of me in the bouncy house no longer exist!

Here's a picture of kids standing around blowing things up.
A sudden storm system broke out over the metro area. Fortunately, no major rain hit the party although the cold front definitely did. Here's mija making a smore in front of the much appreciated fire pit.
We left in time to get my hubby to work. The next day after giving him some time to sleep we head off with my mom to "Cousin Mike's" house.
This time it was warm enough to give into mija and let her play in the pool they have.
We haven't gotten to see this side of the family much in the past few years, so mija was very excited to find out she was playing with a cousin and not just a new friend.
We did get some sparkler time in before we had to leave.
Well, that was our Fourth except my hubby and I remembering that July 4th is the anniversary of our first date by ourselves. It was 25 years ago!

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