
Monday, September 16, 2013

Will the Real Mexican Independence Day Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Mexican Independence Day Please Stand Up?
Okay, first a disclaimer. This is NOT a Mexican flag in the picture. It's the Italian flag. I didn't have anything to do with that part!

Today is NOT Cinco de Mayo

I just wanted to make sure that point was clear. Today is Mexican Independence Day, however.

A lot of people think that Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) is Mexican Independence Day because it is a big ta-doo here in the United States.

In Mexico, however, Cinco de Mayo is a regional holiday not a national holiday. It commemorates the day a rag-tag group of Mexican farmers defeated the proud and professional French troops at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today, in Mexico, it is celebrated in the state of Puebla. Here in the United States, it has become a day to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture.

That is why a lot of people get confused.

Read the rest at:

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