
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

5 Simple Ways to Help Kids Memorize Scripture

From Hip Homeschool Moms

Kids are like sponges.  I’m amazed at what my kids manage to soak up from the world around them (sometimes good, sometimes not so good), and even more amazed by what they remember, especially during the times when I don’t even think they are paying attention.  Childhood is the perfect time to have our kids memorize information for future use.  During their school years, they will most likely memorize things such as countries and capitals, world leaders, dates, poems, math facts, and prepositions.  But above all else, make sure they memorize scripture.  The most important thing we can have our children memorize is God’s Word
Not only will memorizing scripture help shape their character, grow their faith, and teach them the Truth, it will be with them always to help comfort them , encourage them, discipline them, and nurture them.  They will always have their armor – belt, breastplate, shield, helmet, and sword (Ephesians 6:14-17) – in their back pocket. Even before our children begin to talk, we can start helping them learn and become familiar with scripture by reciting it to them when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up (Deuteronomy 6:7). Teaching our children scripture doesn’t have to be elaborate or hard to implement; it can actually be quite easy and FUN.  Here are 5 simple ways to help your kids memorize scripture

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