
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to do a Science Fair Project

I will confess. I am not that familiar with doing a science fair project. I never did one as a student and never had to judge one as a classroom teacher. I have observed a few including one in Mexico! My personal experience, however, is very limited.

But mija is now going to be doing her first. The school affiliated with our church is having a little space available for the homeschoolers. They will even do the judging for us!
Our first step, however, is how to do a science fair project.

We did some online research on how to proceed, and thought some of you might enjoy the information we came across. 

First, NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab offers a short video series about doing a science fair projects. They do a great job of explaining how to come up with ideas and how to turn those into hypotheses. 

Science Buddies offers not only project ideas but guides on how to do them as well.

Here's a video if you can get through the annoying characters!

And we got our hands on a book:

So, do you think we're prepared or do we need to know something more?

In the spirit of full disclosure, this post has an affiliate link, which means I may get a commission if you purchase from Amazon. I only recommend things that I love & use myself, so I know you'll be in good hands.

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