
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our Easter Weekend

Hope you had a blessed Resurrection Sunday!
Our Easter weekend was low key but definitely had it's meaningful moments.

First, we started out focusing on Christ's sacrifice for us on Good Friday. 
I saw this great idea from Mustard Seeds and we made it ours. 
After reading from the Bible what happened the day of Jesus' crucifixion, we put red dots on our hands and wrote our names over them. It reminded us all day about the nails that went through Jesus' wrists and that those nails were for us. It was actually quite thought provoking.

Our move into an apartment building aided us in our next Easter blessing. We made baggies of jelly beans for our neighbors and placed in each bag a poem about the jelly bean gospel.
We used the Jelly Bean Poem from HERE. I liked what it said and how it was already set up to print. 

First, there seemed to have been a rush on jelly beans because I had to go to several stores to find them. I purchased 8 bags which we then emptied into a bowl.
We placed 1/3 of a cup into each baggie along with the poem. 
We took them into the commons room and put them on the counter along with a sign wishing a Happy Easter from us. We also gave our name and apartment number just in case a seed was planted!

Mija enjoyed peeking into the commons room to see how many baggies were left!

Well, besides a blessed Sunday service that was our Easter. Hubby had to work so there was no real dinner or activities and that was okay because the two activities we did really ministered the true message of the Resurrection to us!

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