
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Answer-Question of the Week

I mentioned in a previous post about the new question of the week at Gabby Moms.  The question this week is...

What is the number one thing you do to refresh yourself, your kids and your homeschool mid-year?

I've been told the first thing to do when you have a problem is to admit, "Houston, we have a problem."  Well, something like that.

I think the one thing I do to freshen us up mid-year is to admit that we can get stuck!  Sometimes, we get so focused on "git 'er done" that we don't realize that we are not really getting much done.  Sure, "slow and steady win the race," but what about "slooooooow and whiny"?  We just can't keep going on without being renewed. 

I think part of it is pride.  We are homeschoolers!  We're not like the public school system that needs breaks!  We get more done before 8AM than most students get done in a semester!  Onward, Christian soldier...!

Yeah, pride.  Pride is a sin, you know.  Which leads me to Acts 3:20-21a which reads, "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord..."

So, repent of pride and admit that you need to be "refreshed".  I'm going to spend a little more time hitting the Book and a little less time hitting the books for awhile. I'm going to encourage my daughter to do it as well.  I think we'll both walk away more refreshed.

OK, so how long did we read from the book of Malachi today, so I can count it as reading hours in language arts?  Oops.  Sorry.  Force of habit.

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