
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Need some help with my articles

I love the opportunity to sit around with a group of women I love and admire and spend time chatting about the things of faith, family, and fun. Iron sharpens iron. Well, I can't do that with you all, so I'm asking you to grab a cup of tea or coffee, sit down at your computer, and chat back to me on my blog or Facebook.

I have some articles due to Eternal Encouragement by January 1st. I have the basic concepts and ideas for these articles and other articles, but would love some additional ideas from you. Comment. Comment. Comment! 
I may use your idea or verse. I may not use it. I may use it as a springboard for the thought that I do use. Comment. Comment. Comment!

Thought #1

Lipstick on your teeth.

Women make upYou know when you have lipstick on your teeth, people behave differently. Some just ignore it. Others obviously notice it, but don't tell you. Finally, there are those who just tell you.
Or what about when the tag is showing in the back of your blouse. Sometimes people tell you and sometimes they just tuck it in for you. 
What makes the difference? 

What does each response mean? Is there acceptance? Nonacceptance? Correction? Encouragement? Judgement? Service?
Trust me; I don't think there are any set motives or reasoning, but I do think there can be some general principles. What do you think?

Thought # 2
God's Kingdom in your Castle
My pastor was teaching about the kingdom of God in church the other day. One of the verses he mentioned was Romans 14:17.
 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
How does that play out in your home? What is it to live righteously, peacefully and joyfully? What verses would remind you or help you to put those elements of kingdom living in place?

PrayThought #3
Praying Scripture for your children
I think one of the coolest ways to pray for your children (or anyone for that matter) is to pray Scripture over them. You know the prayers are in the will of God if it's something Paul or somebody else prayed in the Scripture. Have you prayed that way before? If so, what passages have you used in praying.

Well, that a start. Please, please, please, give me some input and comments! My mind is spinning with all these ideas!

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