
Monday, November 19, 2012

Ten Turkeys in Ten Days--Turkeys 5-8

I'm back on track! I'm cheating a little, but we're back on track. 

If you recall, last week I was ill, so we got behind in our Ten Turkeys in Ten Days. Thanks to Drop 'n Date and Sunday school, mija made two turkeys this weekend at church. I'm counting them!
One is a colored plate with a turkey and her memory verse for Sunday school. The other is similar to the Tootsie Pop turkeys we made last year.

That brought the total up to six turkeys. Today we made two turkeys which brings us up to date!

First, we made mixed media turkeys using magazine pages cut in half for the tail feathers.
We used two "head/body" shapes. One we laid horizontal to give a fuller body and wing look. Then we glued the other one vertical for the head.
Old 10 Pin
Bowling Pin
I don't want to assume you know how to make a head/body shape. You can either use a fat figure-eight or infinity symbol or a bowling pin shape with a little big fatter head than an actual pin. Get the idea?
Infinity Symbol

Our second turkey was also made from Pinterest, but ours is much improved in my opinion!  Snow flake Turkeys
I will show you the original and ours, so you can see the difference with your own eyes!

Cute but boring. Plain paper for the tail and no body. Here are ours.
We used a full-sized magazine page which gave us our color. We added an actual body and head. 
We both attached our body and tail differently, but I think it looks cute either way. 

So, mija has now actually competed eight turkeys in eight days. One more tomorrow and one on Wednesday and our mission will be complete!

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