
Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Top 11 Posts of the Year 2011

Everywhere you look there are 2011 recaps.  Wouldn't I be remiss without doing one myself? 

A couple I'm going to lump together because they were on the same topic.

11. Home Education Super Summit--My Recap of Day One

10. The Ways We Have Ruined Our Children

9.  Are you *just* reading to them? GIGO

8.  Fall into Autumn Sept. 23

7.  Christmas Goodies are Finally Underway

6.  Graphic Organizers

5.  A Queenly Review

4.  Spelling City was a hit.
Spelling City Here I Come
I'm Going Back to Spelling City and Moving In

3.  Edible Cell for biology---so cooooool!

2.  Autism Awareness Month

1.  The Ken Ham/Great Homeschool Convention Controversy.
AIG Response to Being Eliminated
Great Homeschool Conventions Response
AIG Ken Ham and Apolgia Heart Each Other

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