
Monday, October 1, 2012

October Calendar of Holidays and Celebrations

Checking out holidays and celebrations in October!

1-9 Sukkot
 1  World Vegetarian Day
 2  Name Your Car Day
 3  Richard the Lion-heart crowned      1189
 4  National Golf Day
 8  National Chess Day/Columbus Day
 9  Leif Erikson Day
12 World Egg Day
15 National Grouch Day
16 Dictionary Day
20 National Fruit Day
21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
22 Daniel Boone born 1734
23 National Mole Day (chemistry not animal)
24 National Bologna Day
25 Pablo Picasso born 1881
28 Statue of Liberty dedicated 1886
29 National Oatmeal Day
30 National Candy Corn Day
31 Martin Luther hung 95 Thesis

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