Apologia sent out their statment yesterday, while Ken Ham posted his this morning. It's nice to see people actually agree this week!!
Here is what Ken Ham posted on his FaceBook page.
Answers in Genesis wants to publicly affirm its support of Apologia Educational Ministries. We also support the current president and the direction he is taking Apologia. We are happy to affirm that the elementary, junior high, and high school science textbooks published by Apologia are consistent with the belief in a six-day creation by God and the inerrancy of Scripture.
Answers in Genesis also supports, recommends, and sells the biblical worldview curriculum for children age 6-14 years, which is published by Apologia in partnership with Summit Ministries. In light of the recent controversy surrounding a homeschool convention in Greenville, South Carolina, we report that the perceived conflict between Ken Ham of AiG and John Stonestreet of Summit Ministries was based on an unfortunate misunderstanding, and has been amicably resolved. Regarding the theological issues surrounding the conflict, we report that there is no disagreement.
And here what Apologia says about itself and AIG/Ken Ham.
What Does Apologia Believe?
What Is the Background?
Current discussions in the homeschool community regarding the controversy surrounding the Great Homeschool Convention in Greenville, South Carolina, involve, among others, an Apologia author and one of our ministry partners. Therefore it has become important to make sure the homeschool community is clear about what Apologia believes concerning Scripture and where our textbooks stand in light of this debate.
What Does Apologia Believe?
Apologia exists to help homeschoolers learn, live, and defend the Christian faith. We believe that one’s view of the Bible affects how a person interprets God’s intended message, and an understanding of and adherence to the teachings of the Bible are vital to one’s ability to defend the Christian faith. Apologia believes the Bible to be the inspired Word of God revealed through man and inerrant in its original writings. As such, the Bible is to be used as the foundation of all knowledge and is the authority for how we are to live our lives in faith and practice. All new and existing materials published by Apologia Educational Ministries intentionally reflect and promote these beliefs.
In an article published in our 2011 catalog, I encourage families to rededicate themselves to fight for the freedom to home educate, to teach creation-based science, and to approach all academic subjects from a biblical, Christ-centered worldview. I conclude the article with a reminder that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom begin with the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10; Psalm 111:10).
Apologia offers an online academy as a resource for homeschool families. We require all instructors to sign a statement of faith. You can view this statement of faith here at www.apologiaacademy.com/sof.asp. This statement should provide you some insight into the position and biblical worldview of Apologia.
What About Our Textbooks?
Every textbook in our award-winning science line, regardless of the author, is creation-based, solid in the scientific method, highly regarded for the quality of content and presentation, and consistent with the Genesis account that God created everything out of nothing by His word in six days. While our science texts are crystal clear about our commitment to creationism, they do not dismiss or avoid the discussion of evolution. Rather, we welcome that debate as well. Creationists and evolutionists are looking at the same evidence found in the natural world, yet they have reached different conclusions based on that evidence. Our textbooks clearly delineate why we disagree with the notion that single-celled organisms evolved into more complex life forms over millions of years. Students who take our courses will be prepared to discuss this topic intelligently and sensibly.
Apologia’s new What We Believe series, a biblical worldview curriculum for ages 6-14, teaches the following core beliefs in its lessons:
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God
Truth exists and can be known
God exists and wants His creation to love Him, seek Him, and find Him
God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing
Man was created in the image of God to bring glory to His name
The first man, Adam, sinned and brought death into the world
Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again
We are to have compassion for the lost and share our faith in Christ
We are to love others as Christ loves us
I want to stress that every book and curriculum we produce at Apologia does and will continue to be grounded in the Christian faith and informed by the Word of God.
Why Do You Need to Know?
Apologia Educational Ministries was started in the early 1990s when the modern homeschooling community was young and in need of high-quality, creation-based science curriculum. Dr. Jay Wile authored or co-authored several outstanding junior high and high school science textbooks. In 2008, my wife, Rachael, and I purchased Apologia and the copyrights to all of its existing textbooks with a vision to take the company in new and expanded directions.
As part of the purchase agreement, Dr. Wile remained an employee of Apologia until August 14, 2010, when he chose to resign. As a result, he is no longer associated with the ministry. You can read a more detailed account of the transition here
Dr. Wile has recently posted articles and comments in his blog that have become key in the current controversy. He is certainly entitled to his views concerning this matter. However, for the sake of clarity, it is important to note that his comments are his own. Dr. Wile is no longer an employee of Apologia, and he does not speak for Apologia or represent us at conferences or on his blog.
I am grateful for all that Dr. Wile provided for the homeschool community by writing most of the Apologia junior high and high school science textbooks. I purchased the company because the books he authored represent excellence in the discipline of science and are well suited for use in home education. In addition, his works are consistent with a young-earth position and with the understanding that the Bible is the inspired Word of God revealed through man and inerrant in its original writings. Read our books for yourself, or take a look inside our catalog to find many testimonies from parents and students who have used Apologia textbooks and achieved amazing results both academically and spiritually.
Our Affiliation with Summit Ministries
Apologia published the first volume of the What We Believe series in August 2009. This biblical worldview curriculum was developed in partnership with Summit Ministries. John Stonestreet is the executive director at Summit and was named in the current controversy by the CEO of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, a key figure in the discussion.
Summit Ministries has been respected for five decades because of its commitment to biblical truth and its defense of a Christian worldview. The Summit team consists of godly men and women who continue to be firmly committed to communicating biblical truth with accuracy and grace.
You can review the books for yourself to see our shared respect for God’s Word and the truth that sanctifies (John 17:17). This series has received numerous positive reviews and endorsements from Christian leaders, including a recommendation from Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship and BreakPoint Ministries. You can read more here at www.breakpoint.org/features-columns/articles/entry/12/16329.
Where Do We Go from Here?
I can report that the perceived conflict between Ken Ham of AiG and John Stonestreet of Summit Ministries was based on an unfortunate misunderstanding, and has been amicably resolved. Regarding the theological issues surrounding the conflict, I can report that there is no disagreement. I know this is true because I’ve confirmed it with both men whom I also consider to be friends of mine.
Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis stand with Apologia in their support of our ministry, our science textbooks, and our biblical worldview curriculum. You can read their official statement on Ken’s blog http://blogs.answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/ and Facebook page www.facebook.com/AnswersInGenesis.
Concerning the other parties in this debate, I pray for a charitable outcome that reflects a commitment to biblical truth and demonstrates to the next generation how Christians can honorably handle difficult issues. I do not want to say or do anything that will stir up dissension among brothers in Christ or in the homeschooling community, as God disapproves of that kind of activity (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Apologia will continue to stand on the truth of God’s Word and point people to no one other than Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. I want this to be true of everything we say, do, and publish.
Living by faith, standing on the solid Rock of Jesus Christ, and enjoying the homeschooling adventure of a lifetime,
Davis Carman
Apologia Educational Ministries