It was totally unplanned, but I often reminisce about attending midnight service when I was child, and so this year the time seemed right.
We came home from my MIL's, Googled local church services, and were in a pew within 30 minutes.

Visiting this church introduced mija to some new ways of worship. The main new thing was litany. In litany, the clergy gives a statement/prayer, and the congregation recites a response.
Because of my spiritual upbringing, there was a time when litany seemed shallow and useless to me. Now I realize it is the attitude and actions behind the litany which makes the difference.
Mija's introduction to litany, choir robes, and candles was going fine until the sermon. She giggled at some of the things the preacher said...not because they were funny but because they were wrong. And then the piece de resistance occurred when the he asked, "And what would God ask for if He sat on Santa's lap?"
I so wish I could have taken a picture of her face. Almost even consider Santa worthy to be mentioned with God in the same sentence, but then to suggest that God would ask Santa for anything!
It gave some great discussion on the way including how to act in church when you disagree with what is being said.
And it gave this momma hope that her daughter is learning discernment!
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