February is Dental Health Month
I thought it might be good to mention that February is Dental Health Month on the day after all the Valentine candy has been eaten! We didn't do candy this year. We bought mija new bedding instead of the usual treats. I figured less sugar and it would last longer! Mija and I did make my hubby a dump cake which is one of his favorites.
Anyway, dental health month.
I thought I'd share a few resources with you.
First, AnimatedTooth.com has animations of everything from basic tooth information to extractions and braces.
The American Dental Association offers activity sheets and lesson resources.
Of course, Homeschool Share has a lot of great resources as well.
Remember to floss! ;-)
Your post is perfect for today, my oldest has to go in and have 2 cavities filled. :(
Don't forget to grab all the free toothbrushes and goodies! ;-)
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