Betsy, thank you for having me on your blog.
First an introduction: I am a Christian, wife, mother and author who lives in Alaska. Following God and seeking His face grows more important to me as time passes more quickly. My husband and I met in high school over 20 years ago. We still love to hang out together whether we’re working or playing. As a mother I choose to educate my children at home. I know I can’t teach them all they need to know, but I want to do my best to be sure the foundation is solidly Biblical. I love to write. I think best on paper, or keyboard. My published work is what brings me to Betsy’s blog.
Children absorb the sights and sounds around them like sponges, which is fantastic for learning. The things they decide about what they observe is not always on track. We’ve all heard funny stories about the observations and resulting conclusions of children, like my son’s version of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the steam.
Mary, Mary, quite the fairy,
Had a little dream.
Or my children thinking my husband and I don’t fight because we never do anything to annoy each other. I had to explain we in fact do things that can be annoying but we choose to give each other grace and respect instead of instantly being offended.
When it comes to spiritual truths we want to be sure to clear up misconceptions as soon as possible. The only way to do that is good communication. Not only telling and teaching children, but listening for what they actually heard. The sights and sounds of Christmas were a place I saw potentially bringing confusion to my children. I wrote Christmas is About Jesus: An Advent Devotional as a tool to teach my children to focus on Jesus during our culture’s commercialized Christmas. Now Easter is About Jesus: Family Devotions for the Easter Season is available to help families teach their children to focus on Jesus in that season. Both books serve as tools to open up communication with your children about what they see and what you believe.
Thank you for taking part in the Easter is About Jesus Blog Tour!
Yup, that's her! And I really like her book.

Now, if you want to purchase your own signed copy, you can purchase it from her website Kove's Cove. Her site also has links to other sites where it can be purchased!
If you want to try to win a copy for FREE, enter my Rafflecopter below. This giveaway is for one free, signed copy of the book. I will run it for one week, so get your entries in.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We spend time talking about Christ's dying on the cross, being buries, and ascending to Heaven. My kids discuss the Biblical reasons for the holidays we celebrate regularly. Hopefully that means I am doing what God has called me to do.
I love reading about the resurrection from the Bible and discussing it with my kids! Even though they are still young, they grasp so much!
We go through the resurrection eggs that I made. Each egg contains something related to the resurrection-coins, thorn, nail, miniature cross....and one empty egg for the tomb.
My favorite Easter tradition is Sunrises service--It is so wonderful-- then we all go to the church for a large breakfast. then go home feed the animals, by 10am were back at church. It so wonderful to see all our children and family together
My children are well aware of the Biblical reasons behind the holidays we celebrate. I love doing "countdowns" that are Biblical or devotionals it helps us keep our focus where it should be, on our Lord. This devotional looks like a great one to share with the kids.
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